Abstract Instructions
- Your abstract must be prepared in English.
- To ensure that article referees or peer reviewers do not know your identity (as author[s] of the abstract being reviewed), you will need to make sure that you remove any information in the actual abstract (including footnotes and acknowledgments) that could identify you and disguise all references to personally identifiable information such as the research institution where your work was carried out. Also exclude references to grants awarded to named persons, refer to your own references in the third person.
- Your abstract word count should NOT exceed 500 words.
- Structure of your abstract:
- Introduction: Describe the background supporting the relevance of the research question.
- Objective: State the purpose of the study or investigation.
- Methods: State details on study subjects, techniques, and/or observations/anatlytical methods.
- Results: Include your main findings, noting statistically significant data.
- Conclusions: Summarize principal conclusions, emphasizing new and important aspects.
- Use standard abbreviations. Place unusual abbreviations between parentheses (...) after the first appearance of the word.
- If an abstract is presented at another meeting which is NOT a North American meeting prior to SMSNA 2021, the SMSNA allows for the abstract to be presented at the SMSNA 2021 Annual Fall Scientific Meeting in Scottsdale.
- Acknowledgements: If you do not follow these instructions, your abstract may be declined.
Instructions for Video Abstracts
The below criteria must be met for acceptance of video presentation:
- Maximum duration: 8 minutes
- File cannot be above 500 MB
- Videos must have English captions or narration
- Please ensure that your videos protect patient anonymity and integrity
- The preferred resolution is 1280x720p (16:9 aspect ratio) HD video
- Acceptable file formats are mp4, avi, and mpeg4
PLEASE REMOVE ALL PRODUCT LOGOS/NAMES FROM VIDEO - if a video is submitted with the product name/logo included, the video will be disqualified from consideration.