Preview of the Upcoming Sexual Medicine Society of North America 30th Annual Scientific Program at the AUA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This year marks the 30th year of the SMSNA’s Annual Scientific Program at the AUA. Once again, the program is filled with outstanding speakers and state-of-the-art lectures. The SMSNA program will be held on Saturday, April 26th, from 8am to 3pm in Las Vegas, Nevada

This year's program features several key new innovations. One of the most notable includes the release of an updated SMSNA position statement on regenerative therapies (i.e., shockwave, PRP, stem cells). As numerous studies have been published since the original document, the updated position statement will reflect a more contemporary and up-to-date commentary on these often-controversial therapies. Additionally, the meeting will introduce new lecture concepts, including one focusing on industry innovations within the sexual medicine space, a preview lecture of key abstracts not to miss at AUA, and summaries highlighting the most impactful manuscripts within the basic science and psychological sexual medicine fields. 

The program will also cover a wide variety of topics relating to sexual medicine, including supraphysiologic supplementation of testosterone, BPH therapies with few sexual side effects, penile dermatology, and high-level reviews on LGBTQIA+ and female sexual medicine related topics. 

Not to be missed is our  keynote lecture from Ira Sharlip on deceptive and dangerous practices within the dietary supplement industry and the session on sexual function rehabilitation post prostatectomy, presented by the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM).  

As surgery continues to represent a large area of interest for the SMSNA members, the afternoon session will focus solely on penile prostheses, including tips, tricks, cautions, and contemporary debates. The topics will include multiple aspects of IPPs, including reservoir management, post-op complications, and adjunctive maneuvers in men with concomitant PD. 

This year’s program will be of great interest to specialists in all disciplines of sexual medicine, whether you are a physician, mental health provider, allied health professional, scientific researcher, or other health care professional. Indeed, there should be something for everyone. The SMSNA is proud to continue its efforts in promoting successful meetings that are engaging, scholarly, diverse and filled with camaraderie. I look forward to personally welcoming you at our meeting this year in April in Las Vegas.

Trost Landon headshot round

Landon Trost, MD
SMSNA President Elect

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