Call for Abstracts

Deadline: June 24, 2024

Call for Abstracts
Deadline EXPIRED: June 24, 2024

All accepted abstracts will be considered for one of the following abstract prizes: 
5 Basic Science Abstract Prizes - $500 each 
5 Clinical Abstract Prizes - $500 each 
Best Abstract on Female Sexual Dysfunction - $500 
Best Abstract on Mental Health - $500
Best Abstract on Diversity, equity, and inclusion - $500
William P. Conners III Best Abstract in Fertility & Andrology - $500
The MAP Education & Research Foundation Sexual Tipping Point Award in Mental Health*

Present your ground-breaking research! The scientific committee welcome abstract submissions for oral, poster and video presentations in the following categories: 

Androgens in men
Basic Science: Female
Basic Science: Male
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Epidemiology/Risk Factors
Erectile Dysfunction: Medical
Erectile Dysfunction: Surgical
Ethics/History of Sexual Medicine
Evaluation/Imaging/Diagnostics for sexual concerns
Fertility/Reproductive Health
Gender Affirming Medical Therapy/Transgender Care
Gender Affirming Surgery
Genital Dermatology and Surgery in Women
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Care
Mental Health/Sex Therapy
Peyronie’s Medical Management
Peyronie’s Surgical Management
Orgasm/Ejaculation Disorders in Men
Orgasm Disorders in Women
Sexology/Sex and Culture
Sexual Arousal Disorder/Sexual Desire/Hypoactive Sexual Desire
Sexual and Genital Pain

All abstracts presented at the meeting will be published in a supplement of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

*The MAP Education and Research Foundation – founded and chaired by Mental Health Committee member Michael A. Perelman, PhD – annually awards the
Sexual Tipping Point Award in Mental Health to the investigator(s) whose abstract best demonstrates the integration of biomedical, psychosocial, and cultural elements in the approach to sexual health and sexual medicine.
The award includes a monetary prize of $1,000.
MAP Education & Research Foundation ( is a 501(c)(3) public charity.

Spanish Abstracts
Deadline EXTENDED: July 30, 2024

Submit an abstract in Spanish for the Spanish session during the meeting.

Please note that these abstracts will NOT automatically be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.


* Submission form is for SPANISH ABSTRACTS ONLY

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