The SMSNA periodically receives and publishes ‘guest editorials.’ The current article was submitted by Mia Barnes, a freelance writer and researcher who specializes in women's health, wellness, and healthy living. She is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine.
A yeast infection is one of the worst ways to ruin a good time in bed. However, some wonder if their infection resulted from sex in the first place.
There are many questions surrounding yeast infections. For instance, can you get a yeast infection after sex? Is it the same as a sexually transmitted illness? Who's susceptible to this condition? Here's everything you should know about yeast infections and sex, and how to prevent them.
Will You Get a Yeast Infection After Sex?
Contrary to belief, sex doesn't cause yeast infections, nor is it a sexually transmitted disease (STD). However, you can still get one after sex via transmission. Vaginal yeast infections occur through Candida — a naturally occurring yeast fungus found throughout the body, including the vagina and mouth.
So, if sex doesn't cause yeast infections, what does? A yeast infection means vaginal Candida has multiplied. Common reasons for this include:
- Weakened immunity
- Cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy
- Chronic conditions like HIV/AIDS
- Antibiotics affecting the body's good vaginal bacteria while treating other infections
- Pregnancy, menstruation and hormonal changes disrupting the balance of vaginal bacteria
- High blood sugar and unmanaged diabetes
- Using scented tampons and pads
- Sitting in wet or sweaty clothes
Can You Have Sex With a Yeast Infection?
Having sex with a yeast infection is uncomfortable and may aggravate your symptoms. For example, friction could irritate the skin around the vulva. Likewise, arousal increases moisture and itching.
You can also spread the infection to your partner either through penetration or oral sex, delaying the healing process. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says 15% of men get a rash on their penis after intercourse with a woman who has a yeast infection. Therefore, doctors recommend waiting until symptoms have subsided and you feel fully recovered.
Symptoms of a Vaginal Yeast Infection
Most female patients complain about severe itchiness in and around the vagina when they have a yeast infection. The following are the most common symptoms:
- Burning sensation when you urinate
- Painful intercourse
- Thick, white vaginal discharge
- Swelling and redness around the vulva and vagina
Although less frequent, men can also get genital yeast infections after sex, especially if they are uncircumcised. Symptoms usually include pain and swelling around the groin with red patches. Others may feel burning around the foreskin and head of the penis.
When to See a Doctor
If this is your first experience with a Candida infection or you've recently had sex with a new partner, call your doctor. Many times, symptoms overlap with those of STDs.
Scheduling an appointment with your primary physician is equally important if you're prone to chronic yeast flare-ups. They record your medical history and can help you better control occurrences. Your doctor can also screen you for diabetes.
Unless you're positive it's a yeast infection, avoid over-the-counter medication. Your physician should prescribe the appropriate antifungal treatment to resolve your condition. Most medicines are oral or topical, which you apply directly to the vaginal area with an applicator. Regardless, always follow your doctor's instructions to ensure the infection disappears completely.
How to Prevent Yeast Infections
Nobody wants the discomfort of genital infections or to give their partner a yeast infection after sex. Therefore, practicing good hygiene is critical. Use the following tips to prevent yeast infections:
- Be wise about the undergarments you wear — a breathable cotton fabric is best for moisture-wicking around the vagina.
- Take probiotics to promote vaginal health and proper pH.
- Reduce friction in areas prone to rubbing and dry skin.
- Always change out of wet and sweaty clothes.
Also, brush your teeth and use mouthwash after oral sex to eliminate bacteria. Spreading a Candida from the vagina to the mouth may result in thrush. Oral thrush usually comprises pain and cracking around the mouth, red patches in your throat, and sensitivity to certain foods.
Stop Yeast Infections in Their Tracks
Avoiding sex until you've managed an infection is crucial for healing and protecting your partner. Remember — yeast infections' frequency, duration and severity are in your control. Take care of your vagina for safer, more comfortable sex.
Burnett, T. (2022, February 8). Sex during vaginal infection: Is it harmful? Mayo Clinic.
Cleveland Clinic. (2022, September 9). Vaginal Yeast Infection. Cleveland Clinic.
First Docs Blog. (n.d.). What Is a Primary Care Specialist? First Docs.
John Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Yeast Infection. John Hopkins Medicine.
Office on Women’s Health (2021, February 22). Vaginal yeast infections. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, February 25). Candida infections of the mouth, throat, and esophagus. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Watson, K., & Brito, J. (2023, March 30). Can You Have Sex with a Vaginal Yeast Infection? Healthline.
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