Retrograde Ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen goes into the bladder instead of leaving the penis during ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation isn't harmful but it can impair fertility since it affects the delivery of sperm to the uterus during intercourse.
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Enlarged Prostate: Surgical Approach Preserves Ejaculatory Function in Men with BPH
Scientists have developed a new surgical approach for men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH – an enlarged prostate). It’s called urethral-sparing robot-assisted simple prostatectomy (usRASP)...

Prostate Treatments May Have Sexual Side Effects, But Patients Not Always Aware
Some treatments for an enlarged prostate and related urinary symptoms have sexual side effects. However, doctors don’t always let patients know about them, according to a recent survey.

Gaming Might Affect Sexual Desire and Ejaculation in Men
From Tetris to Pokémon to Halo, videogames have been a popular form of entertainment for decades. And during that time, scientists have investigated how playing videogames affects one’s health. But ho...
Sex Health Blog

Enlarged Prostate Treatment and Your Sex Life
Getting older? If you’re a man, the size of your prostate might become a concern.

Keep Your Relationship Strong During Infertility Treatments
Sex can be especially exciting when you’re trying to start a family. You and your partner can enjoy your time together, bond as a couple, and smile to yourselves, wondering if your most recent bedroom...

Do Orgasms Change Over Time?
Like many aspects of sex, orgasms are always changing. You might have one night of passion that feels like an out-of-body experience. You might have another that is pleasant, but not necessarily power...

After Orgasm: A Range of Reactions
Orgasm is sometimes described as an out-of-the-body experience. We’d add that it’s a full-body experience, too. Think about the body parts involved: Your eyes see your partner’s smile; your skin recei...

Should Men Worry About Dry Orgasms?
A dry orgasm?
For men, it sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it? Men ejaculate semen at orgasm. Doesn’t that make orgasms, by definition, wet?