- Different Types of Penile Constriction Rings
- Difficulties With Emotion Regulation and Loneliness May Be Predictors of Problematic Pornography Use
- Disorders of Ejaculation Guideline Highlights for APPs
- Do Certain Vitamins Affect a Person’s Sexual Function?
- Do ED Medications Increase One’s Risk of Vision Problems?
- Does a Non-Surgical Treatment Option for Clitoral Adhesions Improve Satisfaction?
- Does Circumcision Affect Penile Erogenous Zones or How Men Experience Orgasm?
- Does the “Pull-Out Method” Actually Work?
- Does the Menstrual Cycle Impact Sexual Desire?
- Dr. Helen Bernie Wins Young Urologist of the Year Award
- Dr. Ramasamy Receives AUA’s Gold Cystoscope Award
- Early Trauma May Be Linked to Hypersexual Behavior and Erectile Dysfunction in Men
- Educate and Empower Patients With the HARD Video Series
- Erectile Dysfunction Is a Risk Factor for Major Depressive Disorder, According to New Study
- Expert Guidelines on Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Health: Insights from the Princeton IV Consensus
- Exploring Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Sexual Dysfunction
- Exploring Intimacy for People with Ostomies
- Factors Associated with Better or Worse Sexual Well-Being After Breast Cancer
- Factors Associated With Depression in Peyronie’s Disease Patients
- Factors Associated With Fecal Incontinence After Receptive Anal Intercourse in Men Who Have Sex With Men